Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Assistant Made A Fool Of Me

I have been enjoying getting to know my new phone.  I especially like Siri, the assistant feature.  It allows me to talk to the phone, get directions, set reminders, etc.  Yesterday I decided I should stop at the grocery store on the way home from work, so I asked my phone, "Remind me to stop at the store when I leave work".  Simple enough, I thought.  I went to work and busied myself with the day.  At about 10AM, the Boss came to my office and told me he wanted me to join him at a meeting at the hospital.  He would drive us.  About half way to the hospital, my phone went off.    I was a bit surprised, because nobody calls me during the day.  Then I realized I had "left work" and my phone had picked up the move on my GPS, and was reminding me to stop at the store.  I had to explain to the Boss that my phone was smarter than I was!

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