Monday, July 19, 2010


Some great things have been happening in our neighborhood lately. Last week we learned that our neighbor Bob just landed a new job, after a year of being laid off. And, yes, it is auto-related (that's for all the skeptics out there). In the true spirit of an auto industry executive, he went right out and bought a new car!
The home that has been up for sale for nearly a year has now sold. It was a short-sale, but it sold just the same. We met the new neighbors a few days ago. Then, when I was out for my morning walk last weekend, I was stopped by a nice young couple asking about the forclosed house on the cul-de-sac. They told me it had just been listed the day before, and they were VERY interested (at that price, they should be).
Well, I hope they make a good bid, because there was plenty of traffic in and out of there over the past couple of days.
Then I got my 401K statement. Oh well, I'm still convinced the economy is improving.

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