Sunday, January 30, 2011


I spent this morning doing my income taxes. This is a time when my ultra-detailed approach to life really pays off. Not many people get a kick out of reading the tax guides like I do. There is something about getting everything sorted out and all the numbers in the right columns. Of course, it always helps when there is a good-sized refund on the way. (Yes, I know it's my own money, but I don't seem to hang on to it as well when it's readily available to me.)
My one big objection to filing taxes is the federal government's refusal to provide me a free e-file solution. They seem to feel this is something that should only be provided to low income filers, and the rest of us should pay a tax preparer or purchase some tax software. They don't seem to allow for the middle income geek like me who is too cheap to do anything but send in the paper forms with a 44 cent stamp. Yes, I can wait a few more days for that return. It's worth it to me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A New Relative

I have been home sick with a winter cold (OK, maybe the flu), so I spent some time this morning browsing a new blog called Nutfield Genealogy. This is a blog by a distant relative through the Flint line, who also lives in the Derry New Hampshire area, I believe. I was led to it by my niece, over the January 12, 2011 post that focused on the Uicker family home in Derry. It was intriguing reading about, and seeing the pictures of, the familiar home that was the hub of our summer visits to New Hampshire when I was a kid.
Her posts cover every topic imagineable, and I spent a couple hours just browsing, reading, and enjoying. It was so delightful, I decided to add her to my list of family blogs. Take a look and enjoy with me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Money Laundering

It hasn't taken too much financial wizadry to manage the economic times of the past couple years. But, I must admit to a growing list of potential expenses that gnaws at my subconscious mind. The king-sized mattress in the master bedroom is really showing signs of wear. The washer and dryer are 15 years old, and the refrigerator gets noisier every day. The cost of replacing any or all of these is more than I want to consider, but I know it's coming.
Today I started my new year very traditionally. The Hubs made chorizo and beans for breakfast, while I stripped the bed and started the weekly laundry. Before I sat down to a relaxing breakfast, I went to put the sheets in the dryer and discovered the washer had not drained. I reset the cycle to the spot where it should have drained and tried again. It seemed to work just fine, so I went back and enjoyed my breakfast. When I returned to check on the progress, I found the washer had indeed finished draining...onto the floor.
Oh well....we flipped the mattress yet another time, put the sheets in the dryer, and headed out to the appliance store. (Don't tell the refrigerator!)