Sunday, January 10, 2010


On Friday, we went to dinner with the boys. We went to their side of town this time. There used to be a restaurant in Milford that we liked to go to, called the Five Lakes Grill. It has since closed, and was re-opened as a mexican restaurant. It is now called Cinco Lagos (5 lakes...get it?). It was pretty good, but no Sagebrush Cantina. But, then, we have been terribly spoiled. The company was great, though.

While we were there, #1 Stepson brought me a CD with 2 new Peggle games on it. He had given me Peggle Deluxe some time ago. It reminds me of playing pinball when I was a teenager (without the added benefit of body english). My addictive personality took over, and I stayed glued to my computer for days on end, until I became a "Peggle Grand Master" (something that I could put on my resume, no doubt). Anyway, I raved about it so much that he said I just have to add Peggle Nights and Peggle Extreme to my repertoire. The Hubs just rolled his eyes. He knows I will be a stranger for awhile.

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